1708 |
Dungeon Saga: Dwarf King's Quest |
1709 |
Ave Roma |
1711 |
Warhammer 40,000 (fifth edition) |
1713 |
The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow: The Village |
1717 |
Smash Up: Munchkin |
1718 |
Praetor |
1728 |
Ninja Camp |
1729 |
Sunrise City |
1745 |
Steam Works |
1753 |
Clockwork Wars |
1759 |
King & Assassins |
1771 |
Star Trek: Expeditions |
1776 |
Resident Evil Deck Building Game |
1783 |
Chaosmos |
1789 |
Malifaux |
1793 |
Dust |
1800 |
Courtier |
1809 |
Dungeon Roll |
1818 |
NOIR: Deductive Mystery Game |
1819 |
Near and Far |
1829 |
W1815 |
1831 |
Sentinel Tactics: The Flame of Freedom |
1832 |
Advanced Heroquest |
1835 |
Micro Mutants: Evolution |
1839 |
Pixel Tactics 3 |